영어회화 독학 / 손꾸락튜터 기초단어+전치사 연결 일상문장
영어회화 마스터를 목표로 여러 영어유튜브를 참고하고 있는데 그 중 손꾸락튜터 쌤은 간지러운 부분을 긁어주는 영어유튜버다. 그래서 공부를 계속 이어가게 만들어준달까. 이번에 본 영상은 기초단어에 전치사를 연결한 간단한 문장에 대한 내용이다.
일상적으로 사용할 만한 표현들이다. 아래는 영상을 참고해서 작문해보았다.
소개된 문장을 작문할 때는 시제나, 주어, 부정문, 의문문 등을 변경하면서 작문해보는 것이 도움이 된다.
나 아침에 일어났는 데 ~
I woke up ~ / I woke up in~
I woke up dizzy.
I woke up happy.
I woke up in the cold.
I woke up in tears.
I woke up in pain
I woke up with a really heavy pain in my chest.
I woke up with a really heavy pain in my back.
I woke up with a heavy pain in my face.
got in touch
I got in touch with Sam.
I got in touch with him.
I got in touch with the teacher.
She got in touch with me.
Sam got in touch with his mom.
The teacher got in touch with my parent.
I can't get in touch with you.
He didn't get in touch with his BF.
~위해 만났어. (의역하면 "만나서 ~했어.")
met for ~
We met for coffee.
We met for chicken.
We met for a talk.
We met for camping.
We met for a swim.
We met for tea.
결국 ~ 했다.
ended up ~ing
I ended up having dinner together.
I ended up going home.
I ended up apologizing to him.
she ended up having dinner with me.
he ended up going to school too late.
he ended up going to bed early.
she didn't end up apologizing to him.
I didn't end up going there.
you didn't end up drinking coffee.
I ended up cooking a birthday cake.
I got in touch with Dad. we just met for coffee, and we ended up having dinner together.
A로 시작해서 B, (C...)로 끝났을 때(변할 때)
went from A to B to C .....
I went from sales to marketing to writing a textbook.
I went from a shy girl to a person who is outgoing and social.
I went from walking to running.
참고영상 - 손꾸락튜터