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라이브아카데미 토틀러 Lesson 005 be동사로 인상표현하기

by 공장장J 2023. 2. 9.


I transferred 2 times. It was inconvenient. but The subway came right away. so i was lucky.


be동사 과거시제 연습

I transferred 3 times. It was inconvenient. but The bus came right away. so it was lucky day.

I ate 2 times. It was very good.

라이브 아카데미 토들러


I'm going to bring my friend. it's going to be fun.


be동사 미래시제 연습

I'm going to take the subway to work. it's going to be hard.

I'm going to cook in the morning. It's going to be fun.

I'm going to study English. It's going to be fun.

I'm going to drive to Seoul. It's going to be tried.

I'm going to eat cake. It's going to be good.

